
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sad Announcement

Dear customers, friends, and collectors, it is with much sadness that our family must announce the passing of our mother, who’s knowledge and curiosity, made the Sacred Bead and this blog such special places online. She truly loved to research her rosaries and loved to teach people about them. 

For the immediate future the pages of the site with items available to purchase have been disabled to allow us time to formulate a plan to move forward with the site. While we are not experts in the field of rosaries, we are, however, versed in ecommerce, jewelry, and antiques, and will try our best to make available for purchase, at some point in the not so distant future, a portion of her remaining collection.

We will also make our best effort to archive the research that she did and make it available for collectors and other interested people.This blog will remain online, though only occasionally updated.
Please bare with us during this difficult time.
Her, Sons, Daughter, Sister and Nephew